Tsagkarakou Anastasia

Short CV

Dr. Anastasia Tsagkarakou is a Research Director at the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITRA (ELGO-DIMITRA) and serves as the head of the General Directorate of Agricultural Research. Previously, she held the position of Director at the Olive Institute of Subtropical Plants and Vine for five years, from 2014 to 2021.

Dr. Tsagkarakou graduated from the Agricultural University of Athens in 1989 and obtained her Ph.D. in population biology from the University of Montpellier II, France, in 1997.

Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of resistance to insecticides in arthropods of agricultural interest, exploring their genetic variability, and optimizing the integration of biological control agents into integrated management programs. AT has authored 60 articles (citations = 4100, h-index = 36, i10-index = 50, Google Scholar). She has implemented > 20 competitive research projects and participated in numerous projects with direct assignments from companies and other agencies. Additionally, she serves as a reviewer for various scientific journals and research funding organizations, including ELIDEK, ANR (France), BARD (Israel), and Horizon 2020 (European Commission). Dr. Tsagkarakou is also the President of the European Association of Acarologists and a member of the EPPO working group for pesticide resistance.

Born in 1965 in Athens, Dr. Tsagkarakou is married and has one child.
